DECEMBER 06 2017

Johnny Hallyday has left the building. The French Elvis, I would always see him at the Sunset Marquis Hotel in Los Angeles in a robe by the pool with assistants. The only time I met him was with Jimmy Page, we went to see him at the Beacon Theatre in New York. While we were waiting for him to come on a French woman heard us and turned around and with disgust said 'Why are you here you are English'. He had a bigger light show than Pink Floyd it looked amazing . Jimmy and I could not get over how good his lighting was. Afterwards we went to say 'Merci' . Well Jimmy did I was tagging along. Johnny received us like the Crown Prince taking to his serfs . Jimmy even said 'You may remember me I played on your early records'. I took a few photos with my Leica snapshot camera. Not great but I'm glad I did. And in this life time I got to meet 'ELVIS'.